MASTHEAD / IMPRESSUM Responsible / Verantwortliche
Wenzl Hruby KG
Usedomstr. 23 A
22047 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 233480
Fax: +49 40 233489
Our AGB you can see here

The difference : Wenzl and Wenzel:
In the companys name, the name is "WENZL".
The name of the person, the founder of the company, the name is "WENZEL"
General responsibility for editorial contents
The contents of the site consist of material that is company-specific and material that was derived from external sources. We are not responsible for these outside sources, to which links exist, and would like to point out that in accordance with a decision of the State Court of Hamburg, dated May 12 1998 we are not responsible for the contents of these sites. Furthermore, has no influence on the contents layout or design of the linked pages. The use of links that lead to sites outside of is the sole responsibility of the user.
The layout of the homepage, the graphic elements and the editorial contents are protected by copyright law. The pages may not be copied in any way, shape or form, nor may changes or copies of modified pages be made without prior consent. The various contributions are also protected by copyright law; further information can be found there.
Notice pursuant to Paragraph 36 of the German Consumers Act (VSBG) We shall not participate in, and are not obliged to, a dispute resolution procedure within a meaning of the VSBG.
Hinweis gemäß Paragraph 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (VSBG) Wir werden nicht an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle im Sinne des VSBG teilnehmen und sind hierzu auch nicht verpflichtet.